Music Monsters is a unique musical education program for young children that builds on the innate, natural rhythmic sense that all children possess. Early childhood development studies have shown that a musical education program is an important activity that can contribute to future academic success. Music Monsters provides direction with an active process that teaches through a fun, hands-on approach, encouraging children to creatively express themselves while learning the fundamentals of music. Many cultures have highly developed rhythms that are part of their daily lives. Music Monsters provides children with the opportunity to hear and learn the following types of music: Rumba, Salsa, African, Afro/Cuban, Pop/Rock and Classical. All songs are arranged for a variety of instruments and your child will learn to play a selection including maracas, shakers, bells, tambourine, cymbals, drums and more. Music Monsters classes are taught by experienced, studied musicians, with a passion for music and an aptitude for bringing out children’s natural musical talents. Give your child the advantage of an early introduction to the joy of music with Music Monsters. It’s a gift that will benefit them for a lifetime.